Heliospheric Physics Laboratory

Adam Szabo


Adam Szabo's Contact Card & Information.
Email: adam.szabo-1@nasa.gov
Phone: 301.286.5726
Org Code: 672
Mail Code 672
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Missions & Projects

Brief Bio

After a short post-doctoral position at MIT (1993-1994), Dr. Szabo accepted a National Research Council (NRC) Research Associate position at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (1994-1996). After the conclusion of the NRC fellowship, Dr. Szabo became a Hughes STX principal scientist contracted to GSFC until February 1998 when he was appointed a NASA civil service astrophysicist at the GSFC. He has been serving as the chief of the Heliospheric Physics Laboratory since 2010. Dr. Szabo is a member of the American Geophysical Union and has refereed for several journals. He has authored or co-authored over 120 scientific papers.

Dr. Szabo specializes in heliospheric and magnetospheric shocks and discontinuities. His work includes the extension of the MHD "Rankine-Hugoniot" shock jump condition fitting technique. He has extensively analyzed the Earth, Uranus, and Neptune bow shocks. Dr. Szabo has also investigated the structure of the heliospheric current sheet and its evolution from the Sun. Recently, he has also investigated some aspects of interplanetary magnetic clouds and medium scale (10 days - 10 years) variations of magnetofluid parameters in the interplanetary medium. He has extensive experience analyzing and interpreting plasma and magnetic field data from the Voyagers, Parker Solar Probe, DSCOVR, and WIND spacecraft. He is the NASA mission scientist for the Parker Solar Probe and HelioSwarm, and project scientist for the DSCOVR mission.


B.A. (Physics and Applied Mathematics) The University of Chicago, May 1988
Ph.D. (Physics) MIT, August, 1993; Thesis: Solar wind flow around Uranus and Neptune



2024. "Unveiling the Interplanetary Solar Radio Bursts of the 2024 Mother’s Day Solar Storm." The Astrophysical Journal Letters 970 (1): L13 [10.3847/2041-8213/ad5da6] [Journal Article/Letter]

2023. "Quasi-thermal Noise Spectroscopy Analysis of Parker Solar Probe Data: Improved Electron Density Model for Solar Wind." The Astrophysical Journal 957 (1): 13 [10.3847/1538-4357/acf572] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "Direct First Parker Solar Probe Observation of the Interaction of Two Successive Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections in 2020 November." The Astrophysical Journal 930 (1): 88 [10.3847/1538-4357/ac590b] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "Comparative Analysis of the 2020 November 29 Solar Energetic Particle Event Observed by Parker Solar Probe." The Astrophysical Journal 920 (2): 123 [10.3847/1538-4357/ac157f] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "A Quarter Century of Wind Spacecraft Discoveries." Reviews of Geophysics 59 (2): e2020RG000714 [10.1029/2020rg000714] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "Oblique High Mach Number Heliospheric Shocks: The Role of α Particles." Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (5): e2020JA028962 [10.1029/2020ja028962] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "Magnetic Field and Plasma Density Observations of a Pressure Front by Voyager 1 during 2020 in the Very Local Interstellar Medium." The Astrophysical Journal 911 (1): 61 [10.3847/1538-4357/abeb6a] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "Magnetic Fields Observed by Voyager 2 in the Heliosheath." The Astrophysical Journal 906 (2): 119 [10.3847/1538-4357/abccd1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "A Quarter Century of Wind Spacecraft Discoveries." Reviews of Geophysics [Full Text] [10.1002/essoar.10504309.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "The Streamer Blowout Origin of a Flux Rope and Energetic Particle Event Observed by Parker Solar Probe at 0.5 au." The Astrophysical Journal 897 (2): 134 [10.3847/1538-4357/ab9942] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "Voyager 1 and 2 Observations of a Change in the Nature of Magnetic Fluctuations in the VLISM with Increasing Distance from the Heliopause." The Astronomical Journal 160 (1): 40 [10.3847/1538-3881/ab94a7] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "A Merged Search‐Coil and Fluxgate Magnetometer Data Product for Parker Solar Probe FIELDS." Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (5): [10.1029/2020ja027813] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "Source and Propagation of a Streamer Blowout Coronal Mass Ejection Observed by the Parker Solar Probe." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 246 (2): 69 [10.3847/1538-4365/ab6ff9] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "Density Fluctuations in the Solar Wind Based on Type III Radio Bursts Observed by Parker Solar Probe." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 246 (2): 57 [10.3847/1538-4365/ab65bd] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "Analysis of the Internal Structure of the Streamer Blowout Observed by the Parker Solar Probe During the First Solar Encounter." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 246 (2): 63 [10.3847/1538-4365/ab61f5] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "The Heliospheric Current Sheet in the Inner Heliosphere Observed by the Parker Solar Probe." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 246 47 [10.3847/1538-4365/ab5dac] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Magnetic field and particle measurements made by Voyager 2 at and near the heliopause." Nature Astronomy 3 (11): 1007-1012 [10.1038/s41550-019-0920-y] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Statistical Survey of Coronal Mass Ejections and Interplanetary Type II Bursts." The Astrophysical Journal 882 (2): 92 [10.3847/1538-4357/ab3345] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Unraveling the Internal Magnetic Field Structure of the Earth-directed Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections During 1995 – 2015." Solar Physics 294 (7): 89 [10.1007/s11207-019-1477-8] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Understanding the Role of α Particles in Oblique Heliospheric Shock Oscillations." Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (4): 2393-2405 [Full Text] [10.1029/2018ja026301] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Earth Observations from DSCOVR/EPIC Instrument." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society BAMS-D-17-0223.1 [10.1175/bams-d-17-0223.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Understanding the Internal Magnetic Field Configurations of ICMEs Using More than 20 Years of Wind Observations." Solar Physics 293 (2): 25 [10.1007/s11207-018-1247-z] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "Revisiting the structure of low-Mach number, low-beta, quasi-perpendicular shocks." Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122 (9): 9115-9133 [Full Text] [10.1002/2017ja024352] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "Predicting the magnetic vectors within coronal mass ejections arriving at Earth: 2. Geomagnetic response." Space Weather 15 (2): 441-461 [10.1002/2016sw001458] [Journal Article/Letter]

2016. "A CIRCULAR-CYLINDRICAL FLUX-ROPE ANALYTICAL MODEL FOR MAGNETIC CLOUDS." The Astrophysical Journal 823 (1): 27 [10.3847/0004-637x/823/1/27] [Journal Article/Letter]

2016. "The FIELDS Instrument Suite for Solar Probe Plus." Space Science Reviews 204 (1-4): 49-82 [10.1007/s11214-016-0244-5] [Journal Article/Letter]

2015. "Predicting the magnetic vectors within coronal mass ejections arriving at Earth: 1. Initial architecture." Space Weather 13 374 [Full Text] [10.1002/2015SW001171] [Journal Article/Letter]

2014. "A Statistical Analysis of Properties of Small Transients in the Solar Wind 2007-2009: STEREO and Wind Observations." Journal of Geophysical Research 119 (2): 689-708 [Full Text] [10.1002/2013JA019115] [Journal Article/Letter]

2014. "A statistical analysis of properties of small transients in the solar wind 2007-2009: STEREO andWind observations." JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS 119 689-708 [10.1002/2013JA019115] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Shocklets, SLAMS, and field-aligned ion beams in the terrestrial foreshock." J. Geophys. Res. 118 957-966 [Full Text] [10.1029/2012JA018186] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Electromagnetic waves and electron anisotropies downstream of supercritical interplanetary shocks." J. Geophys. Res. 118 5-16 [Full Text] [10.1029/2012JA018167] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Inner Heliospheric Evolution of a "Stealth" CME Derived from Multi-view Imaging and Multipoint in Situ observations. I. Propagation to 1 AU." The Astrophysical Journal 779 55 [Full Text] [10.1088/0004-637X/779/1/55] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Effect of Electron Pressure on the Grad-Shafranov Reconstruction of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections." Solar Physics 284 275-291 [10.1007/s11207-013-0259-y] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Inner Heliospheric Evolution of a 'Stealth' CME Derived from Multi-view Imaging and Multipoint in Situ observations. I. Propagation to 1 AU." The Astrophysical Journal 779 [55-10.1088/0004-637X/779/1/55] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "A planar, pressure-balanced, reconnecting structure embedded in a small solar wind transient." American Institute of Physics Conference Series 1539 163-166 [10.1063/1.4811013] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "MESSENGER observations of a flux-transfer-event shower at Mercury." Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117 (A12): [10.1029/2012ja017926] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "Observations of Electromagnetic Whistler Precursors at Supercritical Interplanetary Shocks." Geophysical Research Letters 39 L08109 [10.1029/2012GL051581] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "The Longitudinal Properties of a Solar Energetic Particle Event Investigated Using Modern Solar Imaging." The Astrophysical Journal 752 [44-10.1088/0004-637X/752/1/44] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "Deep Solar Activity Minimum 2007-2009: Solar Wind Properties and Major Effects on the Terrestrial Magnetosphere." EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 14 6381- [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "Remote and in situ observations of an unusual Earth-directed coronal mass ejection from multiple viewpoints." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 117 [6106-10.1029/2011JA017243] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "STEREO hot flow anomaly observations during Earth orbit phase and in the deep geotail." EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 14 9752- [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "Deep Solar Activity Minimum 2007 - 2009: Solar Wind Properties and Major Effects on the Terrestrial Magnetosphere." Solar Physics 281 461-489 [10.1007/s11207-012-0119-1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "Space Weathering Investigations Enabled by NASA's Virtual Heliophysical Observatories." in Space Weather – the Space Radiation Environment AIP Conf. Proc. 1500 204 – 209 [doi: 10.1063/1.4768767] [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "The Solar Origin of Small Interplanetary Transients." The Astrophysical Journal 734 [7-10.1088/0004-637X/734/1/7] [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Large scale evolution of solar wind and solar coronal rotation determined by multi-satellite observations at the ecliptic." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1912- [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "The role of CMEs in the lateral spread of electron events in the inner heliosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2001- [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Magnetic Clouds at/near the 2007 - 2009 Solar Minimum: Frequency of Occurrence and Some Unusual Properties." Solar Physics 274 345-360 [10.1007/s11207-010-9646-9] [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Electromagnetic lower hybrid waves, whistler waves, and particle heating/acceleration at supercritical interplanetaryshocks." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2048- [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Interplanetary Magnetic Field Power Spectrum Variations in the Inner Heliosphere: A Wind and MESSENGER Study." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2030- [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Solar Probe Plus exploration of the solar corona and inner heliosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 8- [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Magnetic Field Turbulence Spectra Observed by Wind from 1994 to 2011." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 3- [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Interpreting the Properties of Solar Energetic Particle Events by Using Combined Imaging and Modeling of Interplanetary Shocks." The Astrophysical Journal 735 [7-10.1088/0004-637X/735/1/7] [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Solar energetic electron probes of magnetic cloud field line lengths." Journal of Geophysical Research 116 01104 [Full Text] [10.1029/2010JA015328] [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Earth-Affecting Solar Causes Observatory (EASCO): A potential International Living with a Star Mission from Sun-Earth L5." Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 73 658-663 [Full Text] [10.1016/j.jastp.2011.01.013] [Proceedings]

2010. "Large-amplitude electrostatic waves observed at a supercritical interplanetary shock." J. Geophys. Res. 115 (A12): 12104 [Full Text] [10.1029/2010JA015332] [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Magnetosheath for almost-aligned solar wind magnetic field and flow vectors: Wind observations across the dawnside magnetosheath at X = -12 Re." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 115 [8227-10.1029/2009JA015128] [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "The VHO, VMO, and VEPO: What do we offer and how are we being used?." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1863- [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Interplanetary Magnetic Field Power Spectrum Variations: A VHO Enabled Study." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1860- [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Statistics of the IMF turbulence spectra observed by Wind under different solar wind conditions." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1804- [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Multispacecraft observations of interplanetary shock shapes on the scales of the Earth's magnetosphere." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 115 [12105-10.1029/2010JA015373] [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Connecting CME expansion from Sun to 1 AU." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1841- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Low-frequency whistler waves and shocklets observed at quasi-perpendicular interplanetary shocks." Journal of Geophysical Research 114 10106 [Full Text] [10.1029/2009JA014376] [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Asymmetric shear flow effects on magnetic field configuration within oppositely directed solar wind reconnection exhausts." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 114 [7103-10.1029/2008JA013990] [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "An example of using the Virtual Heliospheric and Magnetospheric Observatories for a substorm study." EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 11 12642- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Direct Evidence of Instability-Driven Constraints on Helium Temperature Anisotropies in the Solar Wind." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 5- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Towards a Unified Heliophysics Data Environment." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1286- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Multispacecraft Observations of Solar Wind Gradients Near L1: VHO Case Studies." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1271- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Evolution of CMEs in the Heliosphere at Solar Minimum." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A6- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Energetic Electron Probes of Magnetic Cloud Topology." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1643- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Interplanetary Shock Parameters." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1471- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Effects on the distant geomagnetic tail of a fivefold density drop in the inner sheath region of a magnetic cloud: A joint Wind-ACE study." Advances in Space Research 44 1288-1294 [10.1016/j.asr.2009.07.003] [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Low-frequency whistler waves and shocklets observed at quasi perpendicular interplanetary shocks." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 114 [10106-10.1029/2009JA014376] [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Observational Evidence of Modified Two Stream Instability Driven Waves at an Interplanetary Shock." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1291- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Symbiosis of Data Archives and Virtual Observatories." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1571- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "The STEREO/IMPACT Magnetic Field Experiment." Space Science Reviews 136 203-226 [10.1007/s11214-007-9259-2] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Using the Virtual Heliospheric and Magnetospheric Observatories for geospace studies." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 5- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Modified 'Rankine-Hugoniot' shock fitting technique: Simultaneous solution for shock normal and speed." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 113 [10110-10.1029/2008JA013337] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "The Virtual Heliospheric Observatory: A Data Provider's Perspective." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A8- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "A Modified Nonlinear Least Squares Shock Fitting Technique." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A20- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Simultaneous Wave and Particle Data at Interplanetary Shocks Observed by Wind." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A19- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Automated Detection and Analysis of Interplanetary Shocks Running Real-Time on the Web." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A17- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "A View Of A Unified Heliophysics Data Environment." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1560- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Bifurcated Current Sheets Produced by Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A6- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Relationship of Interplanetary Shock Micro and Macro Characteristics: A Wind Study." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1646- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Interplanetary shock shapes: comparison of local and global parameters." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1644- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory (VEPO)." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1568- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Multipoint Studies of Interplanetary Shocks over Variable Baselines." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A7- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Inner Heliospheric Sentinels Spacecraft Concept." ESA Special Publication 641 - [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Multi-point Data and Tools From STEREO's IMPACT Investigation." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1078- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Influence of Temperature Anisotropy and Alpha-Particle Parameters on Calculated Interplanetary Shock Parameters." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1073- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "The LINEAR Photometric Catalog." Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 39 514- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Prevalence of magnetic reconnection at small field shear angles in the solar wind." Geophysical Research Letters 34 [15110-10.1029/2007GL030706] [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Interplanetary Magnetic Flux Enhancements in the Inner Solar System: Possible Remote Observation of comet McNaught." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A8- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "VOregistry and VOgrid: Tools For An Integrated Heliophysics Data Environment." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A7- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Virtual Cosmic Ray Observatory (ViCRO)." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A4- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Temperature Anisotropy Modified Solutions for Interplanetary Shock Parameters: Validation and Statistics From WIND." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 2- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Integration of event lists for ICMEs and associated phenomena." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 6- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory for the Heliospheric Data Environment." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A251- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "The Virtual Heliospheric Observatory (VHO)." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A250- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Relational data searching for magnetospheric data using the Virtual Magnetosheric Observatory." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A247- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Correlation of Solar Wind Features from Well-Separated Spacecraft." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1093- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Wind and STEREO - Combined Observations." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1079- [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "A Magnetometer For The Solar Orbiter Mission." ESA Special Publication 641 [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Taming the data wilderness with the VHO: Integrating heliospheric data sets." 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 36 1848- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Groundwork for Integrated Analysis of Distributed S3C Data." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A1- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "NASA's Living With a Star (LWS) Sentinels Mission to Understand the Origin of Solar Energetic Particles." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A6- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Physics-based tests to identify the accuracy of solar wind ion measurements: A case study with the Wind Faraday Cups." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 111 [3105-10.1029/2005JA011442] [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Influence of Temperature Anisotropy on Solar Wind Shock Parameters Determined by a Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting Technique." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1477- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Automated Detection and Analysis of Interplanetary Shocks with Real-Time Application." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1514- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Preparing WIND for the STEREO Mission." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 1- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Connecting Virtual Observatories with Grid Enabled Services." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A6- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "The LWS Sentinels Data Environment." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A4- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Model Output is Data, too: and Other Futuristic Views." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 6- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "VHO and VMO Primer: Interactive Demonstration and Example Use Cases." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A249- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "How to Effectively Discover and Search Heliopsheric/magnetospheric Data Sets? The VHO and VMO Goals Explained." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A248- [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "Cluster observations of sudden impulses in the magnetotail caused by interplanetary shocks and pressure increases." Annales Geophysicae 23 609-624 [10.5194/angeo-23-609-2005] [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "Energetic Particle Responses to Interplanetary Shocks Observed by ACE." International Cosmic Ray Conference 1 327- [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "Statistical and superposed epoch study of dipolarization events using data from Wind perigee passes." Annales Geophysicae 23 831-851 [10.5194/angeo-23-831-2005] [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "Three decades of bow shock observations by IMP 8 and model predictions." Planetary and Space Science 53 79-84 [10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.031] [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "Bow shock observations by Prognoz Prognoz 11 data: analysis and model comparison." Advances in Space Research 36 1958-1963 [10.1016/j.asr.2004.09.007] [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "Determination of Interplanetary Shock Characteristics." Solar Wind 11/SOHO 16: Connecting Sun and Heliosphere 592 449- [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "Three-dimensional position and shape of the bow shock and their variation with upstream Mach numbers and interplanetary magnetic field orientation." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110 [Full Text] [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "A Hybrid Kinetic Model of Asymmetric Thin Current Sheets With Sheared Flows: Application to the Solar wind and Corona." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 437- [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "Survey of interplanetary shock characteristics." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A4- [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "The Virtual Heliospheric Observatory (VHO)." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1155- [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "The NASA living with a star (LWS) sentinels mission." Solar Physics and Space Weather Instrumentation 5901 255-261 [10.1117/12.621390] [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "Towards a Virtual Heliospheric Observatory: Data Querying, Processing and Science Applications." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 2- [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "The Living With a Star (LWS) Sentinels Mission." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A6- [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "Direct Observations by the Wind Spacecraft of the Creation of Seed Populations by Interplanetary Shocks: Comparison of Seed and Shock Properties." 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35 4043- [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "Correlation of solar wind features observed from well=separated spacecraft." 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35 3135- [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "Impact of the October-November 2003 Super Storms on the Distant Geomagnetic Tail: Wind Observations." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 4- [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "Solar Wind Modeling and Data Assimilation: Concept and First Results." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 319- [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "WIND Magnetic Clouds for Years 1995 - 2003 : A Summary of Model Fitted Parameters." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1161- [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "Correlation of Solar Wind Features Observed From Spacecraft Well-Separated in YGSE." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 436- [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "Foundations for a Virtual Heliospheric Observatory: United L1 data sets, prototypical searching and distributed data processing." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 429- [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "A New Approach in Designing an Empirical Bow Shock Model." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A14- [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "Unusually Distant Bow Shock Encounters at Mars: Analysis of March 24, 1989 Event." Space Science Reviews 111 233-243 [10.1023/B:SPAC.0000032713.86796.d1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "Wind Satellite Observations of Interplanetary Magnetic Holes." 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35 4094- [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "Bow shock's geometry at the magnetospheric flanks." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 109 [12224-10.1029/2004JA010567] [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "Magnetospheric response to the interplanetary shocks and pressure increases: Cluster observations of sudden impulses in the tail lobes." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2- [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "An unexplained 10-40 degrees shift in the location of some diverse neutral atom data at 1 AU." TO THE EDGE OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM AND BEYOND 34 166-171 [10.1016/j.asr.2003.03.068] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Are CME ``interactions'' really important for accelerating major solar energetic particle events?." Geophysical Research Letters 30 (12): 8014 [10.1029/2002GL016424] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "A comparison of IMP 8 observed bow shock positions with model predictions." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 108 [1077-10.1029/2002JA009384] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Proper motion detected in the equatorial outflow of SS 433." New Views on Microquasars 286- [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "High Time Resolution Observations of Magnetospheric Disturbances During Auroral Activity." Disturbances in Geospace: The Storm-substorm Relationship 142 45- [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Planetary bow shocks: Asymptotic MHD Mach cones." Earth, Planets, and Space 55 33-38 [Full Text] [10.1186/BF03352460] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Observations of interplanetary shocks from well-separated spacecraft." EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly 10908- [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Solar Wind Streams and Their Interactions." Solar Wind Ten 679 187-189 [10.1063/1.1618573] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Planetary bow shocks: Gasdynamic analytic approach." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 108 [1323-10.1029/2002JA009711] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Earth's bow shock and magnetopause in the case of a field-aligned upstream flow: Observation and model comparison." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 108 [1269-10.1029/2002JA009697] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Characteristics of and constraints on a secondary interstellar neutral stream." EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly 4611- [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Profile of an Average Magnetic Cloud at 1 au for the Quiet Solar Phase: Wind Observations." Solar Physics 212 425-444 [10.1023/A:1022938903870] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Pressure-pulse interaction with the magnetosphere and ionosphere." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 108 [1095-10.1029/2002JA009675] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Solar Wind Temperature Anisotropies." Solar Wind Ten 679 538-541 [10.1063/1.1618653] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "a Cluster Investigation of the Occurrence and Causes of Reconnection in the Very Near-Earth Tail (x > -19Re)." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1- [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Interplanetary Shocks in the EarthAŸA&sraquo;A&sraquo;ƒ_sAªA&sraquo;ƒ_zA&sraquo;s Magnetosheath." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A477- [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Orientations of Correlated Wind and ACE Features." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 152- [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Bow Shock's Geometry at the Magnetospheric Flanks." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 106- [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "The Transition of Interplanetary Shocks through the Magnetosheath." Solar Wind Ten 679 782-785 [10.1063/1.1618709] [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Magnetic Cloud Driven Interplanetary Shocks." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 10- [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "Upstream Shocks and Interplanetary Magnetic Cloud Speed and Expansion: Sun, Wind, and Earth Observations." Space Weather Study Using Multipoint Techniques 87- [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "Bow shock observations by Prognoz - Prognoz 11 orbiters: Data recollection, analysis, and comparison with multispacecraft data set." 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 34 [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "The Living With a Star (LWS) Sentinels mission." 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 34 [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "Wind observations of foreshock cavities: A case study." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 107 [1271-10.1029/2001JA007539] [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "Mach Cone Angle and the Cross Section of the Fast MHD Shock far Downstream of the Obstacle." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 11- [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "Conic Representation of the Earth Bow Shock Surface." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 10- [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "Plasma and Magnetic Field Observations Related to the Solar Wind Density Minimum: May 23 through May 25, 2002." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 5- [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "Plasma and Magnetic Field Observations Related to the Solar Wind Density Minimum: May 23 through May 25, 2002." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 5- [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "Plasma and Magnetic Field Observations Related to the Solar Wind Density Minimum: May 23 through May 25, 2002." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 5- [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "An Analytic Gasdynamic Approach to the Modeling of Earth's Bow Shock." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A548- [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "Rapid Movements of the Earth's Bow Shock." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 12- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Interplanetary Shocks in Front of Magnetic Clouds." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 62- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Estimation of interplanetary shock-normals using multispacecraft observations: Cases of shocks within minutes of magnetohydrodynamic discontinuities." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 42- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "High Time Resolution Plasma Measurements with WIND." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 42- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Analysis of the 3-D shape of the terrestrial bow shock by interball/magion 4 observations." Advances in Space Research 28 857-862 [10.1016/S0273-1177(01)00502-6] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Evidence of different magnetotail responses to small solar wind pressure pulses depending on IMF Bz polarity." Geophysical Research Letters 28 4163-4166 [10.1029/2001GL013045] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "On the origin of reverse polarity TCRs." Geophysical Research Letters 28 1925-1928 [10.1029/2000GL012485] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Comparison of the surface grooves on gaspra and phobos." Advances in Space Research 27 1489-1492 [10.1016/S0273-1177(01)00240-X] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Cluster magnetic field observations of the bowshock: Orientation, motion and structure." Annales Geophysicae 19 1399-1409 [10.5194/angeo-19-1399-2001] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Double discontinuities at the magnetotail plasma sheet-lobe boundary." Annales Geophysicae 19 1095-1105 [10.5194/angeo-19-1095-2001] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Reconnection remnants in the magnetic cloud of October 18-19, 1995: A shock, monochromatic wave, heat flux dropout, and energetic ion beam." Journal of Geophysical Research 106 15985-16000 [10.1029/2000JA000101] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "A Statistical Study of Dipolarization Events Using Data From Wind Perigee Passes." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 61- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Upstream Waves on the Day the Solar Wind Disappeared." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 52- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Foreshock Cavities and Hot Flow Anomalies." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 51- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Wind observations of the terrestrial bow shock: 3-D shape and motion." Earth, Planets, and Space 53 1001-1009 [Full Text] [10.1186/BF03351697] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "The location of low Mach number bow shocks at Earth." Journal of Geophysical Research 106 25361-25376 [10.1029/2000JA000252] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Solar wind preconditioning in the flank foreshock: IMP 8 observations." Journal of Geophysical Research 106 21675-21688 [10.1029/2000JA000417] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Global Signatures of the Traveling Convection Vortex on November 9, 1993." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 822- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "A Comparison of IMP 8 Observed Bow Shock Positions with Model Predictions." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 762- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Electron Distribution Functions Near Interplanetary Shocks." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 758- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "A Preliminary List of Shocks seen by Wind, from Launch till August 2001." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 748- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Interplanetary Shocks in the ISTP Era." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "A Statistical Study of Proton Temperature Anisotropies Measured by Wind/SWE." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A733- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Statistical and Superposed Epoch Studies of Dipolarization Events Using Data from Wind Perigee Passes." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 12- [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "Energetic Particle Signatures of a Corotating Interaction Region from a High Latitude Coronal Hole: SOHO, Wind and Ulysses Observations." Advances in Space Research 26 865-870 [10.1016/S0273-1177(00)00020-X] [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "Response of Large-Scale Geoelectric Fields to Identified Interplanetary Disturbances and the Equatorial Ring Current." Advances in Space Research 26 21-26 [10.1016/S0273-1177(99)01021-2] [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "The interplanetary shock of September 24, 1998: Arrival at Earth." Journal of Geophysical Research 105 25143-25154 [10.1029/2000JA900070] [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "Solar Wind and Magnetic field Observations During Whole Sun Months 2 and 3." Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 32 818- [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "Evidence of a North-South Asymmetry in the Heliosphere Associated with a Southward Displacement of the Heliospheric Current Sheet." The Astrophysical Journal 533 1084-1089 [10.1086/308685] [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "Magnetosphere on May 11, 1999, the day the solar wind almost disappeared: II. Magnetic pulsations in space and on the ground." Geophysical Research Letters 27 2165-2168 [10.1029/1999GL000012] [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "Small-scale magnetic flux ropes in the solar wind." Geophysical Research Letters 27 57-60 [10.1029/1999GL010724] [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "Radio-rich solar eruptive events." Geophysical Research Letters 27 1427-1430 [10.1029/1999GL003665] [Journal Article/Letter]

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2002. "Predicting the Bow Shock Position for Average and Unusual Upstream Conditions." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A557- [Journal Article/Letter]