Heliophysics Science Division CODE 670

3D numerical simulation and stereoscopic observations of coronal jets

E. Pariat (1,2,3), S. K. Antiochos (2), S. Patsourakos (1,3) and C. R. DeVore (1)

(1) Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA (2) NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD , USA (3) George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA

Recent solar observations have revealed that coronal jets are a more frequent phenomenon than previously believed. It is widely accepted that magnetic reconnection is the fundamental mechanism that gives rise to the jets. The improved spatial and temporal resolution of the STEREO observations in combination with stereoscopy yields new insights into the origins of coronal jets, and provides detailed data that can be used to test and refine models. We present the results of a 3D numerical simulation of our model for coronal jets. The simulations were performed with our state-of-art adaptive mesh MHD solver ARMS. The basic idea of the model is that a jet is due to the release of twist as a closed field region undergoes interchange reconnection with surrounding open field. The photospheric driven evolution of the structure results in the generation of nonlinear Alfven waves propagating along the open field, which drive the jet flows. Using stereoscopic EUVI images, we reveal the presence of such twisted structure in a coronal jet event.