Heliophysics Science Division CODE 670
Sciences and Exploration Directorate - NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

HSD 2005 Publications

Heliophysics Science Division 2005 Publications

�stgaard, N., Tsyganenko, N. A., Mende, S. B., Frey, H. U., Immel, T. J., Fillingim, M., Frank, L. A., Sigwarth, J. B., Observations and model predictions of substorm auroral asymmetries in the conjugate hemispheres.Geophysical Research Letters 32, 5111 3/2005.

Ahn, B.-H., Chen, G. X., Sun, W., Gjerloev, J. W., Kamide, Y., Sigwarth, J. B., Frank, L. A., Equatorward expansion of the westward electrojet during magnetically disturbed periods.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 1305 1/2005.

Aikin, A. C., Grebowsky, J. M., Burrows, J. P., Correira, J., Pesnell, W. D., Temporal evolution of the vertical content of metallic ion and neutral species.Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 67, 1238-1244, 9/2005.

Allred, J. C., Hawley, S. L., Abbett, W. P., Carlsson, M., Radiative Hydrodynamic Models of the Optical and Ultraviolet Emission from Solar Flares.Astrophysical Journal 630, 573-586, 9/2005.

Arnoldy, R. L., et al., Pc 1 waves and associated unstable distributions of magnetospheric protons observed during a solar wind pressure pulse.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 7229 7/2005.

Bahcivan, H., Hysell, D. L., Larsen, M. F., Pfaff, R. F., The 30 MHz imaging radar observations of auroral irregularities during the JOULE campaign.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 5307 5/2005.

Balasubramaniam, K. S., Pevtsov, A. A., Neidig, D. F., Cliver, E. W., Thompson, B. J., Young, C. A., Martin, S. F., Kiplinger, A., Sequential Chromospheric Brightenings beneath a Transequatorial Halo Coronal Mass Ejection.Astrophysical Journal 630, 1160-1167, 9/2005.

Bemporad, A., Poletto, G., Raymond, J. C., Biesecker, D. A., Marsden, B., Lamy, P., Ko, Y.-K., Uzzo, M., UVCS Observation of Sungrazer C/2001 C2: Possible Comet Fragmentation and Plasma-Dust Interactions.Astrophysical Journal 620, 523-536, 2/2005.

Benna, M., Mahaffy, P. R., MacNeice, P., Olson, K., A Multiscale Central Difference Scheme Applied to Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Cometary Atmospheres.Astrophysical Journal 617, 656-666, 12/2004.

Benson, R. F., Webb, P. A., Green, J. L., Garcia, L., Reinisch, B. W., Magnetospheric electron densities inferred from upper-hybrid band emissions.Geophysical Research Letters 31, 20803 10/2004.

Berdichevsky, D. B., Richardson, I. G., Lepping, R. P., Martin, S. F., On the origin and configuration of the 20 March 2003 interplanetary shock and magnetic cloud at 1 AU.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 9105 9/2005.

Bertucci, C., Mazelle, C., Acu�a, M. H., Russell, C. T., Slavin, J. A., Structure of the magnetic pileup boundary at Mars and Venus.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 1209 1/2005.

Birn, J., et al., Forced magnetic reconnection.Geophysical Research Letters 32, 6105 3/2005.

Blush, L. M., et al., Development and calibration of major components for the STEREO/PLASTIC (plasma and suprathermal ion composition) instrument.Advances in Space Research 36, 1544-1556, 0/2005.

Bor�lv, E., et al., Correlation between ground-based observations of substorm signatures and magnetotail dynamics.Annales Geophysicae 23, 997-1011, 3/2005.

Brosius, J. W., Mass Flows in a Disappearing Sunspot Plume.Astrophysical Journal 622, 1216-1224, 4/2005.

Burch, J. L., Goldstein, J., Hill, T. W., Young, D. T., Crary, F. J., Coates, A. J., Andr�, N., Kurth, W. S., Sittler, E. C., Properties of local plasma injections in Saturn's magnetosphere.Geophysical Research Letters 32, 14 6/2005.

Burlaga, L. F., F.-Vi�as, A., Multiscale structure of the magnetic field and speed at 1 AU during the declining phase of solar cycle 23 described by a generalized Tsallis probability distribution function.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 109, 12107 12/2004.

Burlaga, L. F., Ness, N. F., Acu�a, M. H., Lepping, R. P., Connerney, J. E. P., Stone, E. C., McDonald, F. B., Crossing the Termination Shock into the Heliosheath: Magnetic Fields.Science 309, 2027-2029, 9/2005.

Burlaga, L. F., Ness, N. F., Stone, E. C., McDonald, F. B., Richardson, J. D., Voyager 2 observations related to the October-November 2003 solar events.Geophysical Research Letters 32, 3 1/2005.

Burlaga, L. F., Ness, N. F., Wang, C., Richardson, J. D., McDonald, F. B., Stone, E. C., A Transition to Fast Flows and Its Effects on the Magnetic Fields and Cosmic Rays Observed by Voyager 2 near 70 AU.Astrophysical Journal 618, 1074-1078, 1/2005.

Burlaga, L. F., Vi�as, A.-F., Tsallis distributions of the large-scale magnetic field strength fluctuations in the solar wind from 7 to 87 AU.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 7110 7/2005.

Cattell, C., et al., Cluster observations of electron holes in association with magnetotail reconnection and comparison to simulations.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 1211 1/2005.

Chaston, C. C., et al., Energy deposition by Alfv�n waves into the dayside auroral oval: Cluster and FAST observations.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 2211 2/2005.

Chaston, C. C., Phan, T. D., Bonnell, J. W., Mozer, F. S., Acuña, M., Goldstein, M. L., Balogh, A., Andre, M., Reme, H., Fazakerley, A., Drift-Kinetic Alfv�n Waves Observed near a Reconnection X Line in the Earth's Magnetopause.Physical Review Letters 95, 065002 8/2005.

Cliver, E. W., Laurenza, M., Storini, M., Thompson, B. J., On the Origins of Solar EIT Waves.Astrophysical Journal 631, 604-611, 9/2005.

Cliver, E. W., Nitta, N. V., Thompson, B. J., Zhang, J., Coronal Shocks of November 1997 Revisited: The Cme Type II Timing Problem.Solar Physics 225, 105-139, 11/2004.

Coates, A. J., et al., Plasma electrons above Saturn's main rings: CAPS observations.Geophysical Research Letters 32, 14 6/2005.

Collier, M. R., Moore, T. E., Snowden, S. L., Kuntz, K. D., One-up on L1: Can X-rays provide longer advanced warning of solar wind flux enhancements than upstream monitors?.Advances in Space Research 35, 2157-2161, 0/2005.

Collier, M. R., Moore, T. E., Fok, M.-C., Pilkerton, B., Boardsen, S., Khan, H., Low-energy neutral atom signatures of magnetopause motion in response to southward Bz.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 2102 2/2005.

Cowee, M. M., Russell, C. T., Wang, Y. L., Gurnett, D. A., On the possibility of fast neutral production of the inner Io torus.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 9205 9/2005.

de Koning, C. A., Steinberg, J. T., Gosling, J. T., Reisenfeld, D. B., Skoug, R. M., St. Cyr, O. C., Malayeri, M. L., Balogh, A., Rees, A., McComas, D. J., An unusually fast interplanetary coronal mass ejection observed by Ulysses at 5 AU on 15 November 2003.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 1102 1/2005.

Delcourt, D. C., Malova, H. V., Zelenyi, L. M., Sauvaud, J.-A., Moore, T. E., Fok, M.-C., Energetic particle injections into the outer cusp during compression events.Earth, Planets, and Space 57, 125-130, 2/2005.

Dennis, B. R., Phillips, K. J. H., Sylwester, J., Sylwester, B., Schwartz, R. A., Tolbert, A. K., The thermal X-ray spectrum of the 2003 April 26 solar flare.Advances in Space Research 35, 1723-1727, 0/2005.

Dere, K. P., Wang, D., Howard, R., Three-dimensional Structure of Coronal Mass Ejections from LASCO Polarization Measurements.Astrophysical Journal 620, L119-L122, 2/2005.

di Rienzi, J., Drachman, R. J., Approximating the target wave function in positronium-helium scattering.Physical Review A 70, 052706 11/2004.

Dorelli, J. C., Hesse, M., Kuznetsova, M. M., Rastaetter, L., Raeder, J., A new look at driven magnetic reconnection at the terrestrial subsolar magnetopause.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 109, 12216 12/2004.

Eastwood, J. P., Lucek, E. A., Mazelle, C., Meziane, K., Narita, Y., Pickett, J., Treumann, R. A., The Foreshock.Space Science Reviews 118, 41-94, 6/2005.

Eastwood, J. P., Sibeck, D. G., Slavin, J. A., Goldstein, M. L., Lavraud, B., Sitnov, M., Imber, S., Balogh, A., Lucek, E. A., Dandouras, I., Observations of multiple X-line structure in the Earth's magnetotail current sheet: A Cluster case study.Geophysical Research Letters 32, 11105 6/2005.

Ebihara, Y., Fok, M.-C., Postmidnight storm-time enhancement of tens-of-keV proton flux.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 109, 12209 12/2004.

Ebihara, Y., Fok, M.-C., Wolf, R. A., Thomsen, M. F., Moore, T. E., Nonlinear impact of plasma sheet density on the storm-time ring current.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 2208 2/2005.

Eissner, W., Landi, E., Bhatia, A. K., Atomic data and spectral line intensities for Ar XII.Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 89, 139-194, 3/2005.

Emslie, A. G., et al., Energy partition in two solar flare/CME events.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 109, 10104 10/2004.

Engebretson, M. J., Onsager, T. G., Rowland, D. E., Denton, R. E., Posch, J. L., Russell, C. T., Chi, P. J., Arnoldy, R. L., Anderson, B. J., Fukunishi, H., On the source of Pc1-2 waves in the plasma mantle.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 6201 6/2005.

Farrugia, C., Berdichevsky, D., Evolutionary signatures in complex ejecta and their driven shocks.Annales Geophysicae 22, 3679-3698, 10/2004.

Farrugia, C. J., et al., Magnetosheath waves under very low solar wind dynamic pressure: Wind/Geotail observations.Annales Geophysicae 23, 1317-1333, 4/2005.

Farrugia, C. J., et al., Interplanetary coronal mass ejection and ambient interplanetary magnetic field correlations during the Sun-Earth connection events of October-November 2003.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 9 9/2005.

Forbes, K. F., St. Cyr, O. C., Space weather and the electricity market: An initial assessment.Space Weather 2, 3 10/2004.

Fraser, B. J., Horwitz, J. L., Slavin, J. A., Dent, Z. C., Mann, I. R., Heavy ion mass loading of the geomagnetic field near the plasmapause and ULF wave implications.Geophysical Research Letters 32, 4102 2/2005.

Fritts, D. C., Williams, B. P., She, C. Y., Vance, J. D., Rapp, M., L�bken, F.-J., M�llemann, A., Schmidlin, F. J., Goldberg, R. A., Observations of extreme temperature and wind gradients near the summer mesopause during the MaCWAVE/MIDAS rocket campaign.Geophysical Research Letters 31, 24 10/2004.

Fritz, T. A., Fung, S. F., Preface.Surveys in Geophysics 26, 1-3, 1/2005.

Fung, S. F., Bell, E. V., Tan, L. C., Candey, R. M., Golightly, M. J., Huston, S. L., King, J. H., McGuire, R. E., Development of a magnetospheric state-based trapped radiation database.Advances in Space Research 36, 1984-1991, 0/2005.

Fung, S. F., Green, J. L., Modeling of field-aligned guided echoes in the plasmasphere.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 1210 1/2005.

Galkin, I., Reinisch, B., Grinstein, G., Khmyrov, G., Kozlov, A., Huang, X., Fung, S., Automated exploration of the radio plasma imager data.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 109, 12210 12/2004.

Gallagher, D. L., Adrian, M. L., Liemohn, M. W., Origin and evolution of deep plasmaspheric notches.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 9201 9/2005.

Gburek, S., Sylwester, J., Sylwester, B., Dennis, B. R., Phillips, K. J. H., Multi-wavelength study of a strong impulsive solar limb flare on 2002 August 3.Advances in Space Research 35, 1728-1731, 0/2005.

Goldberg, R. A., et al., The MaCWAVE/MIDAS rocket and ground-based measurements of polar summer dynamics: Overview and mean state structure.Geophysical Research Letters 31, 24 10/2004.

Goldberg, R. A., Fritts, D. C., Introduction to special section: The MaCWAVE-MIDAS Program to Study the Polar Summer Mesosphere.Geophysical Research Letters 31, 24 12/2004.

Goldstein, M. L., Magnetospheric physics: Turbulence on a small scale.Nature 436, 782-783, 8/2005.

Goldstein1, M. L., Eastwood, J. P., Treumann, R. A., Lucek, E. A., Pickett, J., D�cr�au, P., The Near-Earth Solar Wind.Space Science Reviews 118, 7-39, 6/2005.

Gopalswamy, N., Yashiro, S., Krucker, S., Stenborg, G., Howard, R. A., Intensity variation of large solar energetic particle events associated with coronal mass ejections.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 109, 12105 12/2004.

Gopalswamy, N., Yashiro, S., Liu, Y., Michalek, G., Vourlidas, A., Kaiser, M. L., Howard, R. A., Coronal mass ejections and other extreme characteristics of the 2003 October-November solar eruptions.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 9 9/2005.

Gopalswamy, N., Yashiro, S., Michalek, G., Xie, H., Lepping, R. P., Howard, R. A., Solar source of the largest geomagnetic storm of cycle 23.Geophysical Research Letters 32, 12 5/2005.

Green, J. L., Boardsen, S., Garcia, L., Taylor, W. W. L., Fung, S. F., Reinisch, B. W., On the origin of whistler mode radiation in the plasmasphere.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 3201 3/2005.

Gurgiolo, C., Goldstein, M. L., Narita, Y., Glassmeier, K.-H., Fazakerley, A. N., A phase locking mechanism for nongyrotropic electron distributions upstream of the Earth's bow shock.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 6206 6/2005.

Harra, L. K., Kankelborg, C. C., Thomas, R. J., Fox, J. L., Winter, B., An imager with added value for the Solar Orbiter mission.Advances in Space Research 36, 1422-1425, 0/2005.

helical device L. H. D. Experimental Groups, et al., Three-dimensional proton trajectory analyses and simulation of neutral particle transport in an ICRF heated long pulse discharge on the large.Journal of Nuclear Materials 337, 186-190, 3/2005.

Hesse, M., Kuznetsova, M., Birn, J., The role of electron heat flux in guide-field magnetic reconnection.Physics of Plasmas 11, 5387 12/2004.

Hill, S. M., et al., The NOAA Goes-12 Solar X-Ray Imager (SXI) 1. Instrument, Operations, and Data.Solar Physics 226, 255-281, 2/2005.

Hindman, B. W., Gizon, L., Duvall, T. L., Haber, D. A., Toomre, J., Comparison of Solar Subsurface Flows Assessed by Ring and Time-Distance Analyses.Astrophysical Journal 613, 1253-1262, 10/2004.

Holman, G. D., Energetic electrons in solar flares as viewed in X-rays.Advances in Space Research 35, 1669-1674, 0/2005.

Hu, Y.-F., Beling D., C., Fung, S., Variable Energy Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy of GaN Grown on Sapphire Substrates with MOCVD.Chinese Physics Letter 22, 1214-1217, 5/2005.

Huang, C.-S., Reeves, G. D., Le, G., Yumoto, K., Are sawtooth oscillations of energetic plasma particle fluxes caused by periodic substorms or driven by solar wind pressure enhancements?.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 7207 7/2005.

Huttunen, K. E. J., Slavin, J., Collier, M., Koskinen, H. E. J., Szabo, A., Tanskanen, E., Balogh, A., Lucek, E., R�me, H., Cluster observations of sudden impulses in the magnetotail caused by interplanetary shocks and pressure increases.Annales Geophysicae 23, 609-624, 2/2005.

Jer�b, M.; Nemecek, Z.; �afr�nkov�, J.; Jel�nek, K.; Merka, J. Improved bow shock model with dependence on the IMF strength.Planetary and Space Science 53, 85-93, 1/2005.

Keenan, F. P., et al., Emission lines of FeXV in spectra obtained with the Solar Extreme-Ultraviolet Research Telescope and Spectrograph.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 356, 1592-1598, 2/2005.

Keenan, F. P., Aggarwal, K. M., Ryans, R. S. I., Milligan, R. O., Bloomfield, D. S., Brosius, J. W., Davila, J. M., Thomas, R. J., Fe XI Emission Lines in a High-Resolution Extreme-Ultraviolet Active Region Spectrum Obtained by the Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Research Telescope and Spectrograph.Astrophysical Journal 624, 428-435, 5/2005.

Keith, W. R., Winningham, J. D., Goldstein, M. L., Wilber, M., Fazakerley, A. N., R�me, H., Fritz, T. A., Balogh, A., Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., Maksimovic, M., Observations of a Unique Cusp Signature at Low and Mid Altitudes.Surveys in Geophysics 26, 307-339, 1/2005.

Keller, K. A., Fok, M.-C., Narock, A., Hesse, M., Rastaetter, L., Kuznetsova, M. M., Gombosi, T. I., DeZeeuw, D. L., Effect of multiple substorms on the buildup of the ring current.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 8202 8/2005.

Kessel, R., Ulmer, P., Pettke, T., Schmidt, M. W., Thompson, A. B., The water basalt system at 4 to 6 GPa: Phase relations and second critical endpoint in a K-free eclogite at 700 to 1400 �C.Earth and Planetary Science Letters 237, 873-892, 9/2005.

Ko, Y.-K., et al., Multialtitude Observations of a Coronal Jet during the Third Whole Sun Month Campaign.Astrophysical Journal 623, 519-539, 4/2005.

Korotova, G., Sibeck, D., Singer, H., Rosenberg, T., Engebretson, M., Interplanetary magnetic field control of dayside transient event occurrence and motion in the ionosphere and magnetosphere.Annales Geophysicae 22, 4197-4202, 12/2004.

Kotova, G., Verigin, M., Zastenker, G., Nikolaeva, N., Smolkin, B., Slavin, J., Szabo, A., Merka, J., Nemechek, Z., Safrankova, J., Bow shock observations by Prognoz Prognoz 11 data: analysis and model comparison.Advances in Space Research 36, 1958-1963, 0/2005.

Kozelov, B. V., Uritsky, V. M., Klimas, A. J., Power law probability distributions of multiscale auroral dynamics from ground-based TV observations.Geophysical Research Letters 31, 20804 10/2004.

Kudela, K., Lutsenko, V. N., Sarris, E. T., Sibeck, D. G., Slivka, M., DOK-2 ion fluxes upstream from the bow shock: characteristics from 4 years of Interball-1 measurements.Planetary and Space Science 53, 59-64, 1/2005.

Kundu, M. R., Trottet, G., Garaimov, V. I., Grigis, P. C., Schmahl, E. J., RHESSI and radio imaging observations of microflares.Advances in Space Research 35, 1778-1784, 0/2005.

Lallement, R., Raymond, J. C., Bertaux, J.-L., Qu�merais, E., Ko, Y.-K., Uzzo, M., McMullin, D., Rucinski, D., Solar cycle dependence of the helium focusing cone from SOHO/UVCS observations. Electron impact rates and associated pickup ions.Astronomy and Astrophysics 426, 867-874, 11/2004.

Landi, E., Bhatia, A. K., Atomic data and spectral line intensities for Ne III.Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 89, 195-265, 3/2005.

Landi, E., Bhatia, A. K., Atomic data and spectral line intensities for Ca XIV.Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 90, 177-258, 7/2005.

Lauenstein, J.-M., Barth, J. L., Sibeck, D. G., Introduction to special section on International Working Group Meeting on New Standard Radiation Belt and Space Plasma Models for Spacecraft Engineering.Space Weather 3, 7 7/2005.

Lauenstein, J.-M., Barth, J. L., Sibeck, D. G., Toward the development of new standard radiation belt and space plasma models for spacecraft engineering.Space Weather 3, 8 8/2005.

Lavraud, B., Thomsen, M. F., Taylor, M. G. G. T., Wang, Y. L., Phan, T. D., Schwartz, S. J., Elphic, R. C., Fazakerley, A., R�me, H., Balogh, A., Characteristics of the magnetosheath electron boundary layer under northward interplanetary magnetic field: Implications for high-latitude reconnection.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 6209 6/2005.

Le, G., et al., Coordinated polar spacecraft, geosynchronous spacecraft, and ground-based observations of magnetopause processes and their coupling to the ionosphere.Annales Geophysicae 22, 4329-4350, 12/2004.

Lemon, C., Wolf, R. A., Hill, T. W., Sazykin, S., Spiro, R. W., Toffoletto, F. R., Birn, J., Hesse, M., Magnetic storm ring current injection modeled with the Rice Convection Model and a self-consistent magnetic field.Geophysical Research Letters 31, 21801 11/2004.

Lepping, R. P., Sittler, E. C., Mish, W. H., Curtis, S. A., Tsurutani, B. T., Analysis of waves in Saturn's dayside magnetosphere: Voyager 1 observations.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 5201 5/2005.

Lepping, R. P., Wu, C.-C., Berdichevsky, D. B., Automatic identification of magnetic clouds and cloud-like regions at 1 AU: occurrence rate and other properties.Annales Geophysicae 23, 2687-2704, 7/2005.

Liemohn, M. W., Moore, T. E., Craven, P. D., Maddox, W., Nagy, A. F., Kozyra, J. U., Occurrence statistics of cold, streaming ions in the near-Earth magnetotail: Survey of Polar-TIDE observations.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 7211 7/2005.

Lin, J., Ko, Y.-K., Sui, L., Raymond, J. C., Stenborg, G. A., Jiang, Y., Zhao, S., Mancuso, S., Direct Observations of the Magnetic Reconnection Site of an Eruption on 2003 November 18.Astrophysical Journal 622, 1251-1264, 4/2005.

Long, K. S., Froning, C. S., Knigge, C., Blair, W. P., Kallman, T. R., Ko, Y.-K., Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Dwarf Novae SS Cygni and WX Hydri in Quiescence.Astrophysical Journal 630, 511-527, 9/2005.

Lucek, E. A., Constantinescu, D., Goldstein, M. L., Pickett, J., Pin�on, J. L., Sahraoui, F., Treumann, R. A., Walker, S. N., The Magnetosheath.Space Science Reviews 118, 95-152, 6/2005.

Luhmann, J. G., et al., IMPACT: Science goals and firsts with STEREO.Advances in Space Research 36, 1534-1543, 0/2005.

Lynch, B. J., Antiochos, S. K., MacNeice, P. J., Zurbuchen, T. H., Fisk, L. A., Observable Properties of the Breakout Model for Coronal Mass Ejections.Astrophysical Journal 617, 589-599, 12/2004.

MacNeice, P., Antiochos, S. K., Phillips, A., Spicer, D. S., DeVore, C. R., Olson, K., A Numerical Study of the Breakout Model for Coronal Mass Ejection Initiation.Astrophysical Journal 614, 1028-1041, 10/2004.

McIntosh, S. W., Gurman, J. B., Nine Years Of Euv Bright Points.Solar Physics 228, 285-299, 5/2005.

Merka, J., On increasing accuracy of bow shock shape and position predictions, The Physics of Collisionless Shocks, ed. by G. Li, G. P. Zank, and C. T. Russell, American Institute of Physics CP 781, 84-88, 2005.

Merka, J., Szabo, A., Bow shock's geometry at the magnetospheric flanks.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 109, 12224 12/2004.

Merka, J., �afr�nkov�, J., Němeček, Z., �imůnek, J., Magion-4 High-Altitude Cusp Study.Surveys in Geophysics 26, 57-69, 1/2005.

Merka, J., Szabo, A., Narock, T. W., Richardson, J. D., King, J. H., Three decades of bow shock observations by IMP 8 and model predictions.Planetary and Space Science 53, 79-84, 1/2005.

Merka, J., Szabo, A., Slavin, J. A., Peredo, M., Three-dimensional position and shape of the bow shock and their variation with upstream Mach numbers and interplanetary magnetic field orientation.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 4202 4/2005.

Moore, T. E., et al., Plasma sheet and (nonstorm) ring current formation from solar and polar wind sources.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 2210 2/2005.

Moretto, T., Sibeck, D. G., Lavraud, B., Trattner, K. J., R�me, H., Balogh, A., Flux pile-up and plasma depletion at the high latitude dayside magnetopause during southward interplanetary magnetic field: a cluster event study.Annales Geophysicae 23, 2259-2264, 6/2005.

Nash, T. J., et al., Bottom axial diagnostic package on Z.Review of Scientific Instruments 75, 3684-3686, 10/2004.

Nos�, M., Taguchi, S., Hosokawa, K., Christon, S. P., McEntire, R. W., Moore, T. E., Collier, M. R., Overwhelming O+ contribution to the plasma sheet energy density during the October 2003 superstorm: Geotail/EPIC and IMAGE/LENA observations.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 9 8/2005.

Ofman, L., Davila, J. M., Nakariakov, V. M., Vi�as, A.-F., High-frequency Alfv�n waves in multi-ion coronal plasma: Observational implications.Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, 9102 9/2005.

Ofman, L., Three dimensional MHD models of active region loops.Advances in Space Research 36, 1572-1578, 0/2005.

Ofman, L., MHD Waves and Heating in Coronal Holes.Space Science Reviews 120, 67-94, 9/2005.

Owen, C. J., Slavin, J. A., Fazakerley, A. N., Dunlop, M. W., Balogh, A., Cluster electron observations of the separatrix layer during traveling compression regions.Geophysical Research Letters 32, 3104 2/2005.

Pfaff, R., Freudenreich, H., Yokoyama, T., Yamamoto, M., Fukao, S., Mori, H., Ohtsuki, S., Iwagami, N., Electric field measurements of DC and long wavelength structures associated with sporadic-E layers and QP radar echoes.Annales Geophysicae 23, 2319-2334, 7/2005.

Phillips, A. D., MacNeice, P. J., Antiochos, S. K., The Role of Magnetic Helicity in Coronal Mass Ejections.Astrophysical Journal 624, L129-L132, 5/2005.

Pickett, J. S., et al., On the generation of solitary waves observed by Cluster in the near-Earth magnetosheath.Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 12, 181-193, 0/2005.

Pilkerton, B. M., Collier, M. R., Moore, T. E., Correlations between neutral and ionized solar wind.Advances in Space Research 35, 2152-2156, 0/2005.

Pirjola, R., Kauristie, K., Lappalainen, H., Viljanen, A., Pulkkinen, A., Space weather risk.Space Weather 3, 2 2/2005.

Pulkkinen, A., Engels, M., The role of 3-D geomagnetic induction in the determination of the ionospheric currents from the ground geomagnetic data.Annales Geophysicae 23, 909-917, 3/2005.

Pulkkinen, A., Lindahl, S., Viljanen, A., Pirjola, R., Geomagnetic storm of 29-31 October 2003: Geomagnetically induced currents and their relation to problems in the Swedish high-voltage power transmission system.Space Weather 3, 8 8/2005.

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