Earth Sciences Division CODE 610
NASA GSFC Sciences and Exploration Directorate - Earth Science Division research opportunities


+ NASA Science Mission Directorate Funding Opportunities

A full description of calls for research proposals can all be found in the SMD omnibus solicitation called Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES). ROSES, other solicitations, and community announcements are available

+ NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES)

Supporting research in science and technology is an important part of NASA's overall mission. NASA solicits this research through the release of various research announcements in a wide range of science and technology disciplines. NASA uses a peer review process to evaluate and select research proposals submitted in response to these research announcements. Researchers can help NASA achieve national research objectives by submitting research proposals and conducting awarded research.

+ Science Proposal Support Office

The Science Proposal Support Office assists Goddard scientists and technologists in responding in a timely and effective manner to new research proposal opportunities. SPSO works in partnership with the Goddard New Opportunities Office (Code 101), which assists in the development of mission and instrument proposals.

+ New Opportunities Office

The New Opportunities Office is the driving force behind all of Goddard’s new business activities. The Office’s responsibilities span the entire Center and all phases of business development - enabling the science and technology community to turn their ideas into reality.

+ NOAA Climate Program Office

The Climate Program Office (CPO) manages competitive research programs in which NOAA funds high-priority climate science, assessments, decision support research, outreach, education, and capacity-building activities designed to advance our understanding of Earth’s climate system, and to foster the application of this knowledge in risk management and adaptation efforts. CPO-supported research is conducted in regions across the United States, at national and international scales, and globally.

+ NASA Postdoctoral Program

The NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) provides early-career and more senior scientists the opportunity to share in NASA's mission, to reach for new heights and reveal the unknown so that what we do and learn will benefit all humankind. NASA Postdoctoral Fellows work on 1 to 3 year assignments with NASA scientists and engineers at NASA centers and institutes to advance NASA's missions in earth science, heliophysics, planetary science, astrophysics, space bioscience, aeronautics, engineering,human exploration and space operations, astrobiology, and science management.

+ NASA Student Opportunities

NASA Internships are competitive awards to support educational opportunities that provide unique NASA-related research and operational experiences for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, as well as educators. These opportunities serve students by integrating interns with career professionals emphasizing mentor-directed, degree-related tasks, while contributing to the operation of a NASA facility or the advancement of NASA's missions.

NASA Fellowships are competitive awards to support independently conceived or designed research, or senior design projects by highly qualified faculty, undergraduate, and graduate students, in disciplines needed to help advance NASA's missions, thus affording them the opportunity to directly contribute to advancements in STEM-related areas of study. Our Fellowship opportunities are focused on innovation, and generate measurable research results that contribute to NASA's current and future science and technology goals.


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